Dental Implant Rescue
Dental implants contribute tremendously to our lives, including enhancing our oral health, restoring bite force, enabling our natural speech, and promoting self-confidence, among many other things. So, when you invest in dental implants, be it through an out-of-pocket expense or an insurance plan you pay for, the best thing to do is maintain them and repair them when needed.
Well, you might be wondering what exactly dental implant rescue is? Simply put, it's the process of addressing any complications or signs of concern your implant presents. When you notice unmanageable issues or discomfort, Dr. Suzanne Caudry and her team are happy to see you and diagnose the problem, and perform dental implant rescue.
To learn more about dental implant rescue, continue to read below.
What Is Dental Implant Rescue?
Like everything in life, dental implants can present issues that cause you discomfort or prevent them from working optimally. In a case like these, they will require a thorough examination to detect the issue. During the process, your dental implant will be thoroughly assessed to diagnose the root of the problem, and from there, they will be repaired, if possible. If the issue has been prolonged for too long without the appropriate intervention, you may need to have them replaced altogether.
When it comes to implant rescue, it's imperative that you have the issue addressed as soon as it presents to prevent your implant from deteriorating even further.
Vising your periodontists is the safest way to ensure your dental implants are in good working condition and your oral health isn't presenting any serious concerns or signs of disease. You already invested time and money into having them implanted, so it's only wise to continue investing time periodically for maintenance checkups.
When to Seek Dental Implant Rescue Care
There are a host of issues that can present in your implants that constitute having them looked at. Keep in mind that as minor as the issue may appear, it could have the potential to cause serious infection as well as bone decay around the implant. This can happen without obvious symptoms and pain, so never neglect even the smallest of issues.
If your implants begin to present any of the following issues or problems, you should bring them in to have them looked at and repaired.
- Biting on the implant site feels uncomfortable
- Swelling or redness around the implant
- A discharge or pus coming from or near the implant site
- Discomfort around the implant site
- An unpleasant smell or taste in your mouth
- Gum recession around the implant
- A dark color is seen through the gums at the implant site
- Difficulty cleaning around the implant
This list is not inclusive of all issues. Despite what you're experiencing, if it doesn't feel right, contact Dr. Suzanne Caudry's office to schedule an appointment. Getting your implant evaluated for any serious issues can save you from serious infection and having to get them replaced.
How to Prevent Peri-Implantitis
As mentioned above, if you neglect to have your dental implant restored, you run the risk of experiencing bone loss and decay around the implant, also known as Peri-Implantitis. Essentially, it's a pathological condition that manifests within the tissue surrounding the implant, in which case inflammation occurs in the connective tissues, causing bone and tissue decay.
The easiest way to prevent Peri-Implantitis from occurring is through early intervention. You may be wondering how to detect it in the first place? Well, early signs are often associated with unique symptoms that are quite pronounced. They include the following:
- Bleeding or swelling directly after you brush or floss your teeth
- Loose dental implant
These are the more prominent early signs, and the moment they present, you will want to have them looked at.
You can prevent Peri-Implantitis and dental implant rescue altogether by practicing healthy habits as they relate to your oral hygiene. Below are a few suggestions that can be easily adopted into your everyday life.
Don't Smoke Cigarettes
Smoking cigarettes directly correlates with a weakened immune system, and consequently, it prevents your body from fighting off harmful bacteria in your mouth. Cutting out smoking will freshen your mouth and reduce your chances of oral infection which leads to dental implant issues.
Get Your Dental Implants Cleaned Regularly
When you have dental implants, they should always be treated like natural teeth. This means regular dental cleaning is still required to maintain optimal oral health. The general rule of thumb is to visit your hygienist bi-annually, so if that was your schedule prior to having implants, it's best to stick to it. Doing this will prevent the spread of infection.
Practice Good Oral Hygiene
Like natural teeth, dental implants need to be brushed and flossed twice daily to remove residual food and bacteria from the surface areas. Adding mouth wash is also beneficial as it will kill off any bacteria that may be lingering. Keeping up with this routine is an excellent way to prevent Peri-Implantitis from occurring.
Practicing oral hygiene and early intervention and therapy are the most effective ways to save your dental implant. As stated above, ignoring or being unaware of the early signs and symptoms of Peri-Implantitis, such as bleeding, swelling, or pain, can result in significant consequences and expense, which can ultimately lead to the loss of your dental implant.
Preserving your implants is as easy as treating them as your natural teeth. And never ignore any symptoms, even if they're subtle and don't present pain.
Learn More About Dental Implant Rescue
It can be to know exactly what symptoms you should be looking for. While some are pronounced, others are much more subtle. That is why we invite you to contact our office if you have a question or are unsure about a symptom. We are happy to help and schedule you for an appointment to examine your implants in person.
And if you have any other questions about the service we offer, feel free to contact us at (416) 928-3444. We are always ready to address the questions and concerns of potential patients in our area.